Family Counseling

Family Therapy

Are you ready to feel more connected as a family?

The well-being of your family is important and when things aren't going right it causes sadness and frustration for all involved. Family therapy is helpful for parents and families who want to improve their communication and connection.

Our family therapists are uniquely trained and experienced in working with families. We work with all family members to help them achieve a caring and peaceful household. At Life Enrichment Counseling you will learn how to effectively communicate with one another and deepen your family connection.


If you can relate to any of the following, then family counseling can help:

  • We disagree on how to parent our children.

  • Our family is struggling to adjust to major change (e.g. recent move, divorce, loss of family member).

  • I want a better relationship with my child or parent.

  • My child is creating ongoing conflict at home.

Family counseling Indianapolis

Contact us to discuss how we can help your family.